Saturday, February 20, 2010

52 weeks in the foothills: week 8

I needed to see some different mud, so I went up the road north of Dry Creek (in Lindon), over the top and down through the canyon.  Not only did I see some different mud, but I went early enough that the mud was mostly frozen.  And it had snowed a little.  And I found out that most of the people who hike in the foothills in late winter apparently do so in Dry Creek.  Saw about 9 other people at various points in and around the canyon.  Also saw a few deer and strangely enough a tree full of robins near the water tanks.  I guess they hang out there before the come back down into the valley and my house.  

I like the shot of Cascade hiding in the morning clouds.  It was shot from the road north of Dry Creek.  There's an epic picture in that scene somewhere, I didn't get it but I like what I got.  

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

52 weeks in the foothills: week 7

The mud caked on the shoes says that this was the first spring run of the year.  Pretty good thaw down low, then really muddy then still winter not too high up depending on aspect.  Solid crepuscular rays shining through on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.  No wildlife spotted.  Just kids playing airsoft battles in the parking lot and more unleashed dogs.  Glad I'm not riding a bike as unleashed dogs and riding down a dirt road at 15+ mph is not a safe combination. 

Low grey clouds Saturday morning which ultimately amounted to not much. 

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Saturday, February 06, 2010

52 weeks in the foothills: week 6

More snow, more clouds, a little sun and a little mud.  No wildlife spotted this week.  Added some variety to the winter grind by cropping photos to funky aspect ratios.  Also got in some variety by running just after sunrise on Friday. 

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Monday, February 01, 2010

52 weeks in the foothills: week 5

Lots of sun, lots of crusty snow, a few elk and lots of unfortunate choices on Saturday.  Nice blue sky pictures and clear views into the valley. 

Bored with the 2 trails that are passable right now I decided to venture over to a deer trail straight up the ridge Saturday morning.  It was like slogging through a sandy wash in the desert except it was steep and cold.  Fortunately some intrepid snowshoers had left some good tracks up top and that saved quite a bit of time.   

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