Saturday, March 20, 2010

52 weeks in the foothills: week 12

Had the most scary experience I've had on a trail since, well, ever, on Saturday afternoon.  I'm jogging along going down a ridgeline when I hear this rustling sound behind me to the left.  I thought it was just birds in the bushes but it was bigger and sounded like something sliding.  I must have thought I was about to ride a snow slide down the hill because the first thing I did was check my feet to make sure I was on mud which was kind of funny because the snow was only a few inches deep there in protected pockets.  By the time I was composed enough to look behind me, I saw a dust devil spinning some leaves around.  So apparently a dust devil formed right by my as I was making my way down.  Crazy.  

Saturday ended at about 6400 feet at the start of the crossover to Dry Creek Canyon.  Where it gets flat up there the snow got deep and soft.  Snowshoes would have been good.  Running shoes not so much.  Someone had walked it and I'm guessing they did it earlier in the morning when the snow was still firm.  

Turns out I lost the ability to operate a camera this week.  Monday I got a few shots on a quick jog up to the radio shack.  That was good.  Wednesday I got to the ridge top on the gun range trail and realized the battery was at home.  Not so good.  Saturday I deleted all the pictures on the card and shot some more.  That was good for Saturday but not so good for Monday's pictures which were unceremoniously deleted.  The good news is that it all looked about the same:  dry hard dirt down low, then snow and mud. 

Posted via email from mikemike's posterous

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