Friday, October 14, 2005

New Ski Resort out by Kennecot != Alta/Snowbird/Brighton/Solitude

As you may be aware, Kennecot Land (owners of the big hole in the Oquirrhs) is revealing plans on what it might do with a 93,000 acre parcel west of SLC. The current plan includes a ski resort that tops out at 9,300 feet. The lead planner, Peter Calthorpe says: "Balancing east and west in this community might be a really healthy thing on lots of levels." Um. Peter Calthorpe must not be a skiier, or skiing was not one of the levels he was thinking of.

Here's the deal: a resort in the Oquirrhs which in on the wrong side of the lake (to get lake effect snow) and which is only 9,300 feet high will not balance all or even one of the resorts on the east side of SLC.

In 20 years I might have the following decision to make: Drive 30 minute to ski the sweet sweet powder at Alta or drive 50 minutes to ski the crud in the Oquirrhs. Hmm. I guess I'd end up at Alta, again.

1 comment:

Tap tap tapdo said...

Hi Mike,

Found two interesting articles on "stem cells and ethics" in 'Nature'. Thought you might be interested in the latest on this issue.

Here's the link to a quick news review:

Even though the ability to generate stem cells without rupturing the embryo/blastocyst is a great step forward, it does not quite solve the IVF and residual embryos dilemma (as correctly pointed out by the news article).
